eBiz Online Solutions PLC has confirmed that it has finalized the launch of a delivery and local business locator app called Megbia. Besides the app, eBiz has a fully functional call centre to accept and dispatch orders as well as entertain questions and suggestions about its vast number of business endeavors.
Megbia primarily provides food delivery and local business information services in Addis Ababa. According to Addis Assefa, editor and coordinator at the company, the app lists hundreds of restaurants and thousands of local businesses. He also said that the app is the culmination of more than two years of work.
During the first year of development, eBiz gathered all the relevant data for the app and during the second year refined the logistics of how the app functions. The app features characteristics such as linguistic variation (English and Amharic) and seamless transition between languages (simply shaking the device).
The most notable feature of the app, however, is that users can type neighborhood names to see a list of businesses in that area, which is invaluable given that street names are rarely used in the city. Megbia can also be used to find vital services such as hospitals.