Ethiopia has recently become a member of the International Association of Young Entrepreneurs Consortium, a global network of young entrepreneurs that aims to promote entrepreneurship and innovation.
The International Cooperation and Development Conference for Young Entrepreneurs, which was established by the initiative of the Chinese government and the China International Youth Center and the partnership of Chinese investment institutions, was held in Beijing and Xiang, China for 7 days.
Ms. Samia Abdulkadir, the founder and president of the Ethiopian Young Entrepreneurs Association, attended the conference on behalf of Ethiopia. According to Samia Abdulkadir, an investment agreement was inked for other projects and Ethiopia was chosen as a member of the alliance.
It is reported that the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of African Countries was established at the conference and that Mrs. Samia Abdulkadir was chosen to serve as the African Chairperson of the continental alliance.
During her stay in Beijing, Samia Abudulqadir consulted with entrepreneurs and investors from the member countries of the Consortium on how Chinese investors can support Ethiopian young entrepreneurs. She reportedly gave Chinese businesspeople a briefing on the potential opportunities in her nation so they might become involved in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia is a country with a large youth population, and the government has recognized the importance of creating opportunities for young people to start their own businesses and become entrepreneurs. The government has implemented a number of policies and programs to support entrepreneurship, including the establishment of a national entrepreneurship development center and the creation of a fund to provide financing for young entrepreneurs.
By becoming a member of the International Association of Young Entrepreneurs Consortium, Ethiopia has taken another important step in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, and creating opportunities for young people to succeed as entrepreneurs and citizens.
Source: FBC